Protect your revenue

Leverage AI over your data to pinpoint where you are losing money



ATC&C Loss Detection & Resolution

The Aurora AI platform dramatically improves your profitability using simple customer, smart meter and vending data and hunting for anomalies.

By gathering available data from across the distribution network’s metering equipment (both consumer meters, plus transformer meters and supply-line totalizer meters) and from your payment vending system, the platform detects anomalies in consumption and payments that indicate when excessive ATC&C losses occur.

Alerts are generated in the platform to notify you and losses can be visualised in a chart for each distribution line. You can then perform an investigation and carry out corrective actions.



Proven to detect electricity theft

Aurora AI is the solution to protect your network from theft of electricity.

Without it, your pre-paid meters and network are at continual risk of being bypassed.

Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms, the system is proven to detect:

  • Full meter bypass

  • Partial meter bypass

  • Illegal connections

  • Tamper events


Improved efficiency

Is your Revenue Protection Team searching for needles in haystacks?

Are they using simple spreadsheets to try to find potential theft events?

Give them a powerful tool, which operates 24/7/365, and instantly analyses data across multiple time spans and cohorts to find infractions.

Rather than waiting weeks and months to find non-payers, the Aurora AI system pinpoints them in a matter of hours.

It is also more accurate, meaning fewer wasted trips by your team and eroded customer sentiment.


Smart now, smarter later

The Aurora AI has powerful algorithms to detect a wide range of theft types.

We know that those intent on stealing energy will adapt and seek new and inventive ways of avoiding paying.

However, Aurora AI uses Machine Learning algorithms to get smarter over time, meaning it will identify these new theft types


How it works

  1. Aurora AI takes meter readings and vending information in real-time

  2. It analyses this data through multiple models and finds anomalies

  3. It reports the anomalies as alerts to your Revenue Protection team, who then can use the Nimbus AMI system to validate the event

  4. Once validated, an alert is pushed down to the field teams to investigate further via the ThunderBolt App

  5. Once investigated the theft is either confirmed and suitably resolved by your teams, or not confirmed, with the learnings fed back into the AI models

  6. Your oversight team then also has the ability to review how your field teams are performing


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