
Smart Revenue Operations for energy distributors in Africa

Leverage SteamaCo's leading interoperable smart metering platform to boost revenues, reduce losses, and win your customers' trust.


Smart Revenue Operations for energy distributors in Africa

Leverage SteamaCo's leading interoperable smart metering platform to boost revenues, reduce losses, and win your customers' trust.


SteamaCo: collect, protect, and grow your revenue



Enable prepaid smart metering

Visibility on revenues

Interoperable solution


Collection Efficiency



AI-driven theft detection

Technical loss monitoring

Investigate and resolve


faster theft detection time



Improved profitability

Improved customer experience

Attract investment


increase in utility revenue


Scalable IoT smart metering (IoT-AMI) platform and turn-key solution

Advanced revenue management 

SteamaCo offers a scalable IoT smart metering (IoT-AMI) platform and turn-key solution for managing electricity sales more effectively.

Our cloud-based platform helps you get reliable, accurate data on usage and theft, so you know who's used power and where to intervene to resolve a loss of revenue.

This means you collect more revenue, improve operations and attract more investment to grow your grid.


End-to-end Data Visibility

Oversee your grid’s performance

AI-driven Revenue Assurance

Protect your grids from losses

Payment and Energy Automation

Get paid for the power you provide

Seamless Integrations

Interoperable with your portfolio of meters, vending systems and critical utility systems

Customer Data Transparency

Your customers can visualise their usage and transaction history in real-time and manage their own account easily


How our customers feel about us

“Since we finished our site installation, the connections and communications have been great—even at the extremes. I have visibility of everything I need, so I enjoy using SteamaCo… 100%.”

Abiye Geoffrey, Chief Operating Officer, Entric Power Systems




Who we work with


Let’s talk about transforming your revenue management

The future of energy revenue management is here. Be a part of it. Complete the form today and a SteamaCo specialist will contact you.